Zwei Hände halten zwei ineinandergreifende Zahnräder zusammen

The goal of the project “teamw()rk for Health and Employment” (German: teamw()rk für Gesundheit und Arbeit; ehemals Verzahnung von Arbeits- und Gesundheitsförderung) is to reach unemployed people with sustainable preventive health measures in order to increase their chances to enter the labour market again.

Long term unemployment has been shown to be a health risk factor. Health-related limitations, in turn, complicate the integration into the professional world. With this nationally initiated model project, health insurance companies, employment agencies and job centers want to break this negative cycle by cooperating with each other and by working together with municipal support facilities.

The Bavarian Association for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (German: Landeszentrale für Gesundheit in Bayern) represents the Bavarian statutory health insurances in this project and is thereby responsible for the following tasks:

  • Leadership for the implementation of the project on behalf of the statutory health insurances
  • Support and consultation of the participating project locations
  • Initiation of local project management groups and representation of the statutory health insurances
  • Coordination of networking on a state level and Bavarian representation on a national level
  • Implementation of the organizational framework

The LZG currently supports sixteen Bavarian locations in their efforts to implement project measures and actions.


Jobcenter Altötting
Zum Standort


Jobcenter Stadt Ansbach
Zum Standort

Berchtesgadener Land

Jobcenter Berchtesgadener Land
Zum Standort


Jobcenter Dachau
Zum Standort


Erlanger Jobcenter
Zum Standort


Jobcenter Erlangen-Höchstadt
Zum Standort


Jobcenter Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Zum Standort


Jobcenter Hof Land
Zum Standort


Jobcenter Kitzingen
Zum Standort


Jobcenter München
Zum Standort

Neustadt/Aisch–Bad Windsheim

Jobcenter Landkreis Neustadt/Aisch-Bad Windsheim
Zum Standort


Jobcenter Nürnberg-Stadt
Zum Standort


Jobcenter Straubing-Bogen
Zum Standort


Jobcenter Unterallgäu
Zum Standort


Agentur für Arbeit Würzburg
Zum Standort
Jobcenter Stadt Würzburg
Zum Standort